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  • admin
    • 05.24.20
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    实用工具 【序列模式】古武全自动脚本

    点击图片查看大版本  名称:	古武.jpg 查看:	0 大小:	43.3 KB ID:	1298

    \Profiles\【序列模式】全脚本合辑\光武系列\Zodiac Weapons

    # Zodiac Relic Weapons
    This rofile set is designed to obtain your level 50 Zodiac weapon with as little interaction from the user as possible.

    ## Setup 安装
    在开始之前,打开 Start.xml 并将您想要的作业设置为 1,将所有其他作业设置为 0。仅将一项作业设置为 1,否则会混淆配置文件。 你真的需要达到 80 级才能成功地完成这些任务。 您可以在较低级别执行此操作,但您将需要有关职业手动的帮助。

    确保您已完成 50 级以上的职业任务以开始古武任务。

    在 Start.xml 中,您将找到一个项目列表,每个作业一个。 在开始配置文件之前,您必须购买此物品并将其与所需材料(也已列出)混合并将其放入您的库存中。 您还可以在下面找到此列表。提前买好诗学材料很重要.

    <!DOCTYPE Profile [
    <!-- Profile Settings -->
    <!ENTITY brd "0">      
    <!ENTITY blm "0">      
    <!ENTITY drg "0">
    <!ENTITY mnk "0">
    <!ENTITY nin "0">      
    <!ENTITY pld "0">      
    <!ENTITY sch "0">
    <!ENTITY smn "0">
    <!ENTITY war "0">
    <!ENTITY whm "0"> 

    Bard Longarm's Composite Bow Heavens Eye Materia III X2
    Black Mage Sanguine Scepter Savage Might Materia III X2
    Dragoon Champion's Lance Savage Aim Materia III X2
    Monk Wildling's Cesti Savage Aim Materia III X2
    Ninja Vamper's Knives Heavens Eye Materia III X2
    Paladin Aeolian Scimitar Battledance Materia III X2
    Scholar Erudite's Picatrix Of Healing Quicktongue Materia III X2
    Summoner Erudite's Picatrix Of Casting Savage Might Materia III X2
    Warrior Barbarian's Bardiche Battledance Materia III X2
    White Mage Madman's Whispering Rod Quicktongue Materia III X2

    ## Current Progress
    ### A Relic Reborn
    - [x] A Relic Reborn Quest
    - [x] A Relic Reborn the Chimera, A Relic Reborn the Hydra, The Howling Eye (Hard), The Bowl of Embers (Hard), The Naval (Hard)
    ### Zenith Zodiac Weapons
    - [x] Purchase Zenith relic from Furnace. Requires 3 Thavnairian Mists.
    ### Atma Zodiac Weapons
    - [x] Up in Arms
    - [x] Atma Fate Farm
    - [x] Purchase Atma from Jalzahn
    ### Animus Zodia Weapons
    - [x] Trials of the Braves
    - [x] Book of Skyfire I
    - [x] Book of Skyfire II
    - [x] Book of Netherfire I
    - [X] Book of Skyfall I
    - [X] Book of Skyfall II *
    - Leve "Someone's In The Doghouse" must be done manually. The profile will pick it up and stop at the place for you to do it. Load the Start profile after.
    - [X] Book of Netherfall I *
    - The Ceruleum Road is triggered by speaking to the Wary Merchant at Camp Bluefog, Northern Thanalan (x21,y29). Start this manually.
    - [X] Book of Skywind I *
    - Fate "Suprise" is kinda hard for the bot to solo. It lets the NPCs die and then the Fate fails. Might need to do this manually.
    - [X] Book of Skywind II
    - [X] Book of Skyearth I
    - [ ] Purchase Animus from Jalzahn

    ### Novus Zodiac Weapons
    - [X] Celestial Radiance
    - [X] Star Light, Star Bright
    - [X] Farming 75 Alexandrite
    - [ ] Melding Materia to Scroll
    - [ ] Purchase Novus Zodiac
    ### Nexus Zodiac Weapons
    - [X] Mmmmmm, Soulglazed Relics
    - [X] Light Farming *
    - [ ] Purchase Nexus Zodiac
    * You must manually have Jalzhan soulglaze your relic before starting light farming.
    ### Zodiac Braves Weapons
    - [X] Wherefore Art Thou, Zodiac
    - [X] One Man's Trash
    - [X] A Ponze of Flesh
    - [X] Labor of Love
    - [X] Mtheod in His Malice
    - [X] A Treasured Mother
    - Hullbreaker Isle: You will need to kill the final boss manually, then restart the Start.xml profile.
    - [X] His Dark Materia
    - [ ] Purchase Zodiac Weapon
    ### Zodiac Zeta Weapons
    - [X] Rise and Shine
    - [X] The Vital Title
    - [X] Mahatma Light Farming
    - [ ] Purchase Zodiac Zeta
    ## Known Issues
    If you die at any time, you'll need to restart the bot.
    We cannot manually meld materia to your Sphere scroll. It will farm the 75 Alexandrite and obtain your Sphere scroll but you will need to manually meld the materia and go purchase the next level of relic.
    Right now Light Level cannot be automatically detected. The bot will spam Garuda indefinitely. You will need to check it periodically and go buy the next level of relic when your light level is complete.
    You will need to atach new Mahatma's every two Tam-Tara runs. The bot will stop to allow you to do so.

    * Fates
    * Fates are wonky. Mostly due to Navigation with RB, so don't completely AFK during this part. Or ever, really.
    * 'Tower of Power' is triggered by speaking to the House Haillenarte Guard at Boulder Downs, Coerthas Central Highlands (x10,y28). This must be done manually.
    * 'The Ceruleum Road' is trigger by speaking to the Wary Merchant. This must be done manually.
    * 'Surprise' FATE is hard for the bot to do on it's own. There's only two NPCs that need to be kept alive and the bot is horrible at that. Might want to do this one manually.

    * Dungeons
    * Copperbell Mines (Hard): One of the Collapsed Rocks has a smaller hitbox then RB thinks it does. Sometimes melee classes don't get close enough. Watch this.
    * The Tousand Maws of Toto-Rak: The meshing here is absolutely horrible. Keep an eye on it as you run as it may not be able to get to some of the photocells that drop. And could possibly get stuck on things.
    * Hullbreaker Isle: Currently cannot fight the kraken due to no meshing of the fight area. You will need to do this fight manually, but the bot will do the rest of the instance.
    * Stone Vigil (Hard): The second fight Curca Fera is neigh impossible to solo, even by hand. Do this dungeon synced manually.

    * Leves
    * You must already have levequests unlocked for the Whitebrim, Saint Coinarch's Find and Camp Bluefog. I can't automate those quests yet as they combine a quest and a levequest in one.
    * Levequests sometimes don't turn in all the way. May have to turn them in manually.
    * "Someone's in the Doghouse" will need to be done manually until I can find a way to automate the beckon escort quest.
    * Necrologos: The Liminal Ones &amp; Necrologos: Pale Oblation. I can't figure ou thow to get these to exit the UseObject tag properly. So for now they're set to manual completion.
  • wp9310
    • 01.10.22
    • 2

    诗人Bard Longarm's Composite Bow Heavens Eye Materia III X2 神眼魔晶石叁型
    黑魔Black Mage Sanguine Scepter Savage Might Materia III X2 雄略魔晶石叁型
    龙骑Dragoon Champion's Lance Savage Aim Materia III X2 武略魔晶石叁型
    武僧Monk Wildling's Cesti Savage Aim Materia III X2 武略魔晶石叁型
    忍者Ninja Vamper's Knives Heavens Eye Materia III X2 神眼魔晶石叁型
    骑士Paladin Aeolian Scimitar Battledance Materia III X2 刚柔魔晶石叁型
    学者Scholar Erudite's Picatrix Of Healing Quicktongue Materia III X2 咏唱魔晶石叁型
    召唤Summoner Erudite's Picatrix Of Casting Savage Might Materia III X2 雄略魔晶石叁型
    战士Warrior Barbarian's Bardiche Battledance Materia III X2 准备一把镶嵌 野蛮巨斧 刚柔魔晶石叁型
    白魔White Mage Madman's Whispering Rod Quicktongue Materia III X2 咏唱魔晶石叁型

    最后由 admin 编辑; 05-23-2022, 07:23 AM


    • admin
      • 05.24.20
      • 422

      点击图片查看大版本  名称:	war.jpg 查看:	0 大小:	4.9 KB ID:	1956

      [08:15:07.618 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Huzzah! We are alive, clearing poi.
      [08:15:07.651 D] ReadWriteMemoryException: Error while reading memory! 仅完成部分的 ReadProcessMemory 或 WriteProcessMemory 请求。, at addr: 464, Size: 4
      在 GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(Int Ptr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count, Boolean bypassCache)
      在 GreyMagic.MemoryBase.Read[T](IntPtr addr)
      在 ff14bot.Managers.FateData.get_Radius()
      在 LlamaUtilities.OrderbotTags.LLFate.<CreateBehavior >b__63_13(Object ret) 位置 E:\RB辅助\RB版本2022\RB辅助V474CN 6.05整合版FFXIV5.13\RB辅助V474CN 6.05整合版FFXIV5.13\BotBases\LlamaUtilities\OrderbotT ags\Fate.cs:行号 208
      在 TreeSharp.Decorator.<Execute>d__12.MoveNext()
      在 TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)


      第三 刷危命魂晶
      有些地图fate会卡住,需要手动停止再开始,如果还卡住要手动打了当前的危命。点击图片查看大版本  名称:	war.jpg 查看:	0 大小:	9.8 KB ID:	1964
      第四 火天第一卷

      副本 墓园 对龙城塞石卫塔 需要手动,切记武器使用古武的刷完副本,其他武器不会触发完成任务。
      第五 火天第二卷
      最后由 admin 编辑; 05-24-2022, 12:38 PM


      • helo
        • 04.19.22
        • 4

        1. 在完成第一步把普通古武升级成天极时,需要手动关闭与NPC的对话框 脚本才可以继续运行,兑换后脚本执行的是穿戴命令 没有关闭UI 会卡住

        2. 在刷完12星座魂晶后,天极升级魂晶时 ,无法自动选择当前职业的装备进行兑换必须手动执行兑换后重新读取脚本

        3. 会卡4个在说明中提到的副本 需要手动完成

        4. 文书的理符任务可以正常接与执行理符内容 但是与NPC对话时,必须自己点击一个任意类型的理符打开理符选择UI (与npc对话有一个理符种类选择然后才是看见理符名称与内容), 完成理符以后无法自动交纳理符需要手动交纳 这里建议优化自动打开理符选择界面与完成后 对话完成理符

        5. 触发形形式的文书理符 能否优化自动触发 之后调用fate模式的方式去执行 可以全程托管

        6. 在完成击杀指定数量野怪时, 偶尔会出现卡视野和高低差问题 会卡在原地不动需要手动靠近怪物

        7. 在天水2卷 流沙迷宫 礁鸣洞(38级本)副本 会出现选中目标卡与自己之间存在卡视野情况 (其他副本也会偶尔触发 这个本貌似必触发)

        8. 完成文书fate时,如果当前fate完成立马原地刷新一个其他或者后续fate 脚本会停止在原地 需要手动进入一次战斗或是原地等那个不相关的fate结束才会继续运行

        9. 天然要害沙斯塔夏溶洞副本 不在不可执行的 脚本中,但进入副本后,角色无法移动

        10. 纷争要地布雷福洛克斯野营地Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) 副本脚本 实际进入副本是 休养胜地布雷福洛克斯野营地

        目前就做到这一步 后续在看情况
        最后由 helo 编辑; 05-23-2022, 08:17 AM


        • admin
          • 05.24.20
          • 422


