标签: 无
[09:59:36.451 N] [Lis6.05f31] Updated character settings.
[09:59:36.453 N] [Lis6.05f31] Updated expansion character.
[09:59:36.453 N] [Lis6.05f31] Starting hook execution.
[09:59:36.453 N] [Lis6.05f31] Hook execution finished.
[09:59:36.456 N] [Lis6.05f31] 展开订单。
[09:59:36.460 N] [Lis6.05f31] Updated expansion character.
[09:59:37.385 N] [Lis6.05f31] Successful response in 884 ms.
[09:59:37.464 N] [Lis6.05f31] Order Group: 1
[09:59:37.530 N] [Lis6.05f31] Discarding trash collectables.
[09:59:37.541 N] [Lis6.05f31] Updating schedule. Time: 1022/08/04 23:52
[09:59:37.546 N] [Lis6.05f31] Scheduled items: 2
[09:59:38.446 N] [Lis6.05f31] Successful response in 831 ms.
[09:59:38.558 N] [Lis6.05f31] Schedule obtained with 0 actions.
[09:59:38.561 N] [Lis6.05f31] Utc: 4/6/2022 9:59:38 AM | Eorzea Time: 1022/08/04 23:52 | PauseTime: 157119/06/26 03:25
[09:59:38.575 N] [Lis6.05f31] Deciding on next order.
[09:59:38.591 N] [Lis6.05f31] Executing normal directive from group 1.
[09:59:38.661 N] [Lis6.05f31][Error] No usable directives!
[09:59:38.665 N] [Lis6.05f31] White Crafter Scrips: 215 | Purple Crafter Scrips: 960
[09:59:38.666 N] [Lis6.05f31] - Gather | 棕榈碎皮 | Progress: 0/50
[09:59:38.666 N] [Lis6.05f31] - Gather | 暗性岩 | Progress: 0/50
[09:59:38.674 N] [Lis6.05f31] Cleanup.
[09:59:38.676 N] [Lis6.05f31] Discarding trash collectables.
[09:59:38.695 N] [Lis6.05f31] Finished cleanup.
[09:59:38.695 N] [Lis6.05f31] Starting on completion hook execution.
[09:59:38.695 N] [Lis6.05f31] Hook execution finished.
[09:59:38.695 N] [Lis6.05f31] Done.
[09:59:38.696 N] [Lis6.05f31] 停止。
[09:59:38.696 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:Main
[09:59:38.696 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
[09:59:38.701 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
[09:59:38.701 N] Clearing all hooks.
[09:59:38.701 D] Replaced hook [PreCombatBuff] a889c965-d769-4cf3-af4f-6424f1df7682
[09:59:38.701 D] Replaced hook [Heal] be1ff37b-ca53-4694-883e-aaf82756920f
[09:59:38.701 D] Replaced hook [Pull] 76038294-1ad4-45d9-9d6c-69b42edba87b
[09:59:38.701 D] Replaced hook [CombatBuff] 076811f2-a866-45db-8d86-09268801dc73
[09:59:38.701 D] Replaced hook [Combat] 993ce766-1745-4d3c-8ca5-2ba09476a271
[09:59:38.701 D] Replaced hook [Rest] 8eac09e4-5b6e-4741-9f52-89880258d84d
[09:59:38.701 N] Removing DungeonAssist Hook
[09:59:38.702 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] b2b51396-aed4-430d-ad8b-157bd3201ca9
[09:59:38.702 D] Added new hook [TreeStart] 90f52752-fe8f-4cdf-8af6-ca4e162e07d9
[09:59:38.702 D] Added new hook [PoiAction] fddfb6c4-b3ae-4eb5-ae90-9a97813b8eb2
[09:59:38.702 D] Navigator.Clear()
[09:59:38.702 D] OnStop event
[09:59:38.702 D] OnStop Event Invoking
[09:59:38.702 N] [自动修理Lisbeth] Removing Hook
[09:59:38.703 N] Removing DungeonAssist Hook
[09:59:38.703 N] Bot Thread Ended.