读的练级本(不是1-90,是亲信打某个特定副本)提示[07:42:34.867 N] Failed to load profile: Element JoinSupportDuty is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<JoinSupportDuty DutyId="1" />) **** 22
[07:42:34.933 D] System.Exception: Element JoinSupportDuty is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<JoinSupportDuty DutyId="1" />) **** 22
[07:47:56.872 N] Loading profile [Start] 1-90 Dungeon Grind.xml
[07:47:57.085 N] Parsing xml...
[07:47:57.176 N] Failed to load profile: Element AutoInventoryEquip is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<AutoInventoryEquip />) **** 94
[07:47:57.176 D] System.Exception: Element AutoInventoryEquip is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<AutoInventoryEquip />) **** 94
之前还好好的,某一天起就这样了,之前反复重启还能解决现在完全没用,请问一下怎么解决,重装了rb也没用 ……
[07:42:34.933 D] System.Exception: Element JoinSupportDuty is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<JoinSupportDuty DutyId="1" />) **** 22
[07:47:56.872 N] Loading profile [Start] 1-90 Dungeon Grind.xml
[07:47:57.085 N] Parsing xml...
[07:47:57.176 N] Failed to load profile: Element AutoInventoryEquip is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<AutoInventoryEquip />) **** 94
[07:47:57.176 D] System.Exception: Element AutoInventoryEquip is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<AutoInventoryEquip />) **** 94
之前还好好的,某一天起就这样了,之前反复重启还能解决现在完全没用,请问一下怎么解决,重装了rb也没用 ……