FINAL FANTASY XIV Updated (Oct. 31)

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  • rebornbuddy
    • 10.28.19
    • 398

    FINAL FANTASY XIV Updated (Oct. 31)

    31/10/2019 17:31FINAL FANTASY XIV Updated (Oct. 31)

    FINAL FANTASY XIV has been updated.

    [Date & Time]
    Oct. 31, 2019 9:00 (GMT)

    [Update Details]

    ◆ FINAL FANTASY XIV Hotfixes (31/10/2019) ◆

    The following issues have been addressed:

    ■ Some actions could remove statuses applied by the PvE actions Living Shadow (Dark Knight), Bunshin (Ninja), Rook Autoturret and Automaton Queen (Machinist).

    ■ When using Ten Chi Jin, the ability Fuma Shuriken would sometimes not change into other Ninjutsu skills and could be cast multiple times.

    ■ Arcanist/Summoner's pet would continue to carry out some actions if no valid target was within range after using Egi Assault.

    ■ If a Blue Mage completed a battle without learning anything, a message would still state that a blue magic was learned, but with a blank space for the magic name.

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  • rebornbuddy
    • 10.28.19
    • 398

    Known Issues after Patch 5.1 (Oct. 31)

    We have confirmed the following issue.

    [Confirmed Issue]

    ■ In the Alliance Raid Dungeon “The Copied Factory”, the NPC Dying Dragon from the Dark Knight job quest appears under some conditions.

    An explanation of the issue follows.

    After defeating the final boss, a specific object is displayed, and in order to do this we used a process in which a dummy NPC is placed to make the object untargetable. This process shared the same flag to allow characters, who have met specific conditions, to be able to see the otherwise invisible object.

    We repeatedly tested where to place the object during the early stages of development. However unfortunately, the patch was released with this test data left in place, which resulted in this issue.

    The test data that we used shared the same internal ID with another existing quest. Thus, when a character who had met the conditions of the other quest entered the boss room, the shared process was triggered, causing the NPC Dying Dragon to appear when it was never actually supposed to appear.

    Through sheer coincidence, the appearance of the NPC happened to be from the Nier series cross over content, YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse, and the fact that the NPC was a red dragon caused much speculation and anticipation in the community. For this we sincerely apologise.

    We will reevaluate our testing procedures to ensure this will not occur in future.

    This issue is planned to be addressed in Patch 5.11. In the meantime, we ask that you do not interact with the NPC in question if it appears, as this may trigger unforeseen issues and affect progression through the content.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank you for your understanding.
    本网站所收集的部分公开资料来源于互联网,转载的目的在于传递更多信息及用于网络分享,并不代表本站赞同其 观点和对其真实性负责,也不构成任何其他建议。
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