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  • rebornbuddy
    • 10.28.19
    • 396


    Tester botbase now does all daily hunts, few notes:
    - Most of the time it won't use flying, it will only fly when RB does not have a path to the mob and has to switch to flightor so I'm assuming you're max level and don't have to deal with random mob argo, also the flying nav might be a bit weird.
    - It will do the 3 non-fate mobs for ARR for your given GC. Next time it runs it'll just yeet the unfinished ones and get new ones (you still get the seals from the finished ones).
    - It should handle whatever combination of hunts you have unlocked, if you have old ones it'll finish those...then go get new ones after all is done.
    - This is the first time i had to add combat to a botbase so it might be questionable. (there might be some issues with losing the target)
    - Will return to your homepoint when done (so you're not just standing in the wilds) Feedback needed: If it fails to get to a mob, fails to pickup hunt bills, has an issue with if a type of hunt is unlocked or not. Found in a limited tested I did that one mob in Ruby Sea (under water) the RB navigation just gets stuck...not moving so i had to add custom logic for that. There will be a log **** before it gets stuck like [06:00:08.813 N] [Tester] Yumemi Kills: 0/1 Map: The Ruby Sea Location: <159.8267, -172, 204.5417> that's what I need. Also i'm assuming the gil you get from each completion will offset the teleport costs. Once the kinks are wrinkled out I will change it into a single task that can be called by orderbot or in a botbase I plan to make which handles daily tasks like these, GC turnings, ventures each hour, out on a limb farming, maybe a few timed nodes....so test it now so you can enjoy it later.
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